B-U: A Campaign Encouraging Individuality in Fashion

Yu Feng's Award-Winning Design Promotes Personal Style Over Trends

In a world where fashion trends often dictate style, designer Yu Feng challenges this norm with B-U, an awareness campaign that encourages individuals to embrace their unique style. This innovative project, which won the Silver A' Design Award in 2017, is a testament to the power of individuality in the realm of fashion.

Yu Feng's inspiration for B-U stems from the pressure exerted by the fashion industry on individuals, particularly teenagers, to conform to the latest trends. The campaign aims to counteract this pressure by promoting the idea that personal style is a reflection of one's personality, not a product of popular trends.

The B-U campaign comprises a logo, posters, mail-out items, a web banner, and a website. Each element is designed to engage the audience and inspire them to discover their unique style. The logo, made of different typefaces, and the posters, created by remixing fashion images and graphics, are displayed in bus and train stations, encouraging public interaction.

The mail-out items include a poster and a booklet. The poster, printed on Poster Paper, can be folded and mailed directly. The booklet, printed double-sided, is designed to be flipped horizontally, allowing users to create their own version of the 'U' in B-U. This interactive design element reinforces the campaign's message of individuality and personal style.

The digital elements of the campaign, a web banner and a website, are created using HTML and After Effects. The web banner, designed to deconstruct and reshape different 'U' shapes, aims to capture attention online. The website serves as a platform for users to get inspired, save inspirational stories, and showcase their personal style.

Despite the challenges of creating a visual system that engages the audience both physically and mentally, Yu Feng successfully designed a campaign that encourages individuals to embrace their unique style. B-U is not just a campaign; it's a movement that challenges the status quo in fashion and promotes the idea that personal style is a reflection of one's personality.

With B-U, Yu Feng has not only created an innovative design but also sparked a conversation about individuality and personal style in the fashion industry. The campaign's success, as evidenced by its Silver A' Design Award, is a testament to the power of design in influencing societal norms and behaviors.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yu Feng
Image Credits: Graphic Design, Art Direction, Video Editing and Prototype Production by Yu Feng.
Project Team Members: Yu Feng
Project Name: B-U
Project Client: Yu Feng

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